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124 results for "Prison"
The U.S. is the only country where children as young as 13 are sentenced to die in prison.
EJI Asks Federal Appeals Court to Affirm Relief for 14-Year-Old Sentenced to Die in Prison
United States Supreme Court to Review Constitutionality of Death in Prison Sentences for Children
U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Decision Barring Life Without Parole for Kids Convicted of Attempted Murder
American Law Institute Model Penal Code Bars Life Imprisonment Without Parole for Children
EJI Wins Right to Challenge Death-in-Prison Sentence Imposed on Virginia Child
Wisconsin Supreme Court Divides on the Constitutionality of Life Without Parole Sentences for Juveniles Convicted of Homicide
California Appeal Court Holds Virtual Life-Without-Parole Sentence Imposed on 14-Year-Old Child Is Unconstitutional
EJI Challenges Death-in-Prison Sentences for Young Teens in Two Cases at U.S. Supreme Court
EJI Challenges Capital Murder Conviction and Life Without Parole Sentence of 16-Year-Old at U.S. Court of Appeals
Arkansas Supreme Court Divides on Constitutionality of Life Imprisonment Without Parole for Juveniles Convicted of Homicide
EJI Argues in Mississippi Court of Appeals on Behalf of 14-Year-Old Child Sentenced to Die in Prison
EJI Asks Wisconsin Supreme Court to Ban Life-Without-Parole Sentences for Young Kids Convicted of Homicide
Florida Appeals Court Rules Juveniles Convicted of Attempted Murder Can’t be Sentenced to Life Imprisonment Without Parole
Wisconsin Supreme Court Grants EJI’s Request for Review of Death-In-Prison Sentence Imposed on 14-Year-Old Child
EJI Wins New Trial for 13-year-old Mississippi Child Sentenced to Die in Prison
EJI Wins New Trial for 14-Year-Old Michigan Child Sentenced to Die in Prison