EJI Launches “A History of Racial Injustice” Website


EJI is proud to announce the launch of A History of Racial Injustice, a new digital experience at calendar.eji.org that highlights events on this day in history with rich detail and intuitive sharing features.

America’s history of racial inequality continues to undermine fair treatment, equal justice, and opportunity for many Americans. EJI believes we must acknowledge the truth about our history before we can heal: truth and reconciliation are sequential.

As a nation, we have not yet acknowledged our history of racial injustice, including the genocide of Native people, the legacy of slavery and racial terror, and the legally supported abuse of racial minorities.

When we engage truthfully with our history, we are better prepared and equipped to address contemporary issues ranging from mass incarceration, immigration, and human rights to how we think and talk about cultural monuments and icons.

EJI designed the new site as a tool for learning more about people and events in American history that are critically important but not well known. It’s an innovative companion to our award-winning wall calendar, which is a tactile resource for display in classrooms, community centers, offices, and homes.

Please visit A History of Racial Injustice and join us in the critical work of acknowledging our history of racial injustice by sharing our daily Facebook posts and retweeting our tweets.