Thank you for your support in 2015!


Dear Friends,

It has been a great year at the Equal Justice Initiative. We have never been more active, productive, and effective in our efforts to end mass incarceration and excessive punishment, and to confront the nation’s history of racial injustice. We had wonderful successes during the last year and innocent clients who spent 30 years on death row or 20 years in prison were freed as a result of our work. We provided legal service to hundreds of people who have been unfairly convicted or illegally sentenced and won relief for dozens of incarcerated men, women, and children.

EJI has undertaken an initiative to address our nation’s history of racial inequality. Following our widely distributed report on lynching in America, we began an extensive, multi-year project to change the American landscape through the creation of public markers and monuments that acknowledge slavery, racial terrorism, and decades of legalized racial segregation. We have also started work on an exciting national memorial to racial justice and an additional new exhibit space in Montgomery that will educate and inspire people for generations to come. Our public education and community outreach has increased exponentially in the last year and we have reached more people than ever before.

None of this work would be possible without your support. We thank you for being a part of the EJI community. We also ask you to continue to contribute to our efforts to bend the moral arc of the universe toward justice. There are great challenges ahead but also exciting opportunities to make long overdue progress. Please join us.